
Thursday, November 15, 2012

Mirror, Mirror...

"And you yourself must be an example to them by doing good works of every kind. Let everything you do reflect the integrity and seriousness of your teaching. Teach the truth so that your teaching can't be criticized.  Then those who oppose us will be ashamed and have nothing bad to say about us."
2 Titus 7-8

At our Corps (church) we are currently preaching a series on stewardship.  Each week has a different focus, time, talents, relationships, and treasure. As I have been praying, meditating, and reading scripture about stewardship a few things have been rolling around in my head and tonight this portion of scripture seemed to sum it all up.  

As a leader in the body of Christ, I realize that my life is on display as an example of what living a Christ life should look like. My life is pretty much an open book, as well it should be. I don't always get it right but I'm trying and I hope that even in my shortcomings I am someone who people know loves God with all of her heart and desires to follow Him.  

As I read the above scripture the word everything jumped out at me.  EVERYTHING I do needs to reflect the integrity and seriousness of my teaching. 


How I speak to my husband
The way that I interact with my children
The way that I maintain my home
The way that I maintain my Corps, physically, spiritually, and even financially
The way that I interact with other community agencies
The way I treat our clients
How I treat our employees
The effort and care that I put into programs like Junior Soldiers, Women's Ministries, and even preaching
The effort and care that I put into community events, Christmas distribution, Angel trees, etc. 

Everything I do is a reflection of my walk with Christ.  

Lest you think this is just for leaders...

If you claim to be a follower of Christ people are watching you. You're life and how you are taking care of the gifts and resources that God has given you will reflect the true nature of your walk.   Are you walking in such a way that people want to know God or is your walk reflecting something else all together? Are people seeing Christ in EVERYTHING that you do?

People see the truth written all over us. We can't hide behind the words "I'm a Christian." It's like a hippo trying to hide behind a fence post.  Who we really are leaks out the side and people see it.  

Father God, help me to look at my reflection honestly and humbly. Show me those things that aren't reflecting you and that are turning others from you. Convict me and cleanse my heart. My deepest desire it to be filled with you and that others may find You in me. 

I pray this prayer not only for myself but for my Corps, for The Salvation Army, for the church universal. Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we are His example for the world. What are we showing them? 


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