Yesterday afternoon I hauled out my polymer clay supplies. I had her watch a beginner's polymer clay tutorial on YouTube while I set everything up. We turned on a movie and got to work.
Becca was quickly immersed in both the movie and the polymer clay. I had some things to do so I just left her to it. She sat there for more than 4 hours!
When I went to look at her creations I noticed this....
I was really intrigued by the words she chose. I asked her why she chose them and she shrugged and said, "I don't know they just seemed like important words."
As we live in this time of uncertainty in the world around us I think these words really are so important.
I can....what CAN you do? It can be easy to focus on all of the things we can't do but what exactly is it that you can do?
Here is what I can do:
- I can find things that bring me joy and hope and point them out to others who need to see them.
- I can take care of myself physically by eating well and exercising.
- I can soak in the time I have with my family.
- I can pray.
- I can be creative by making art, cooking, singing, and writing.
- I can be kind
- I can be generous with my time and energy
I will stop there but there are LOTS of things that I CAN do!
I need...this idea of need is really interesting to me right now. As people are panic buying all of the things, it really is a good time to assess what it is we really need. And you know what? It is ok to need things. Sometimes we need toilet paper, sometimes we need prayer, sometimes we need a hug....we all have needs. I hope that this is a time that we are able to sort out our wants and be able to express our needs.
Here is what I need:
- I need quiet time to read God's Word and to listen.
- I need to work through all of emotions I am feeling creatively.
- I need the love of my family.
- I need hope.
- I need joy.
- I need love.
- I need peace.
I love...this was the first one that Becca did and I asked her about it specifically. I asked what exactly was it she loved and she looked me dead in the eye and said very seriously, "Mama, I love EVERYTHING!" Her love is so big it often leaks out through her body. My daughter is a serial hugger. She cannot help herself. This social distancing stuff is hard for a hugger but she is learning there are other ways to show her love to the world.
Here is what I love:
- I love God.
- I love my family.
- I love people, even when I am annoyed by them I really genuinely love them
- I love making things.
- I love wide open schedules where I am free to think things through for as long as I need to.
- I love pointing people in the direction of love, joy, hope, and peace.
- I love words.
This is another one that I could go on with but I will stop there.
When we are in crisis mode it can be hard to slow down enough to think about what's important. Becca's clay project helped me to focus my thoughts and I wonder if they might do the same for you.
I would love to hear your thoughts.
I can...
I need....
I love...
I have set aside a special prayer journal for this specific season. If you have something you would like me to add to that journal you can comment here or private message me on Facebook or Instagram.
Know that you are loved and held today.
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