I love thrift stores and antique stores and especially the kind with piles and piles of stuff! Lots of things to sort through looking for those hidden treasures. The joy of thrifting isn't just in the acquisition of items there is so much more to it then that!
I have a sentimental streak so I like to imagine the people who owned the items. That pyrex casserole dish...that might have held Myrna's famous casserole that she brought to all of the church potlucks. That little wooden box with the wonky blue and green heart painted on the top...that was little Lorena's treasure box that she kept her most special treasures in in the second grade. That beat up copy of Treasure Island...that was Davey's favorite book in elementary school that inspired him to become a writer.
Then there are the silly things that you find. One of my favorite's that I regret not buying was a coffee mug that said "I'd rather be 40 than Pregnant". There is whole Facebook page devoted to this kind of thing called "Weird Secondhand Finds That Just Need to be Shared". If you are in need of a giggle go check it out.
Thrifting is a fun solo activity but I really love thrifting with my friends. It's fun to have a friend help you look for and celebrate finding special treasures and to laugh uncontrollably over the silly things that you find.
Thrifting is essentially looking through piles and piles of stuff to find the things that bring you delight and joy and wonder.
While I can't go out to my favorite Thrifting spots right now I can use those same principles in my daily life to see all of the places that God is showing up. On a good day the world can seem like a big pile of random things to sort through and it seems like in these days we can get a little overwhelmed with all that we are trying to sort through.
Right now many of us actually have time to stop and take a look around...sort through that pile of goodness to find those treasures. God is all around us trying to get our attention.
He is in the birdsong.
He is in the moments of belly laughs with your friends and families.
He is in those quiet moments when you can breathe deep and just let yourself relax.
He is in the music that brings a lightness to your spirit for just a few minutes.
He is here. He is moving.
We just need to open our eyes and hearts and notice.
I would love to hear some of the places that you are seeing God. What is bringing you delight and joy and wonder right now? It would be like thrifting with a friend!
Know that you are loved and held today.