Sometimes it's just too much.
It feels like I'm suffocating in an avalanche of...
natural disasters that destroy homes and people's lives
people who come to be to help with problems I can't even begin to wrap my brain around
precious lives being stolen by addiction
people who are trapped by circumstances far beyond their control
power hungry people who use fear and intimidation as a means to control
people who have been hurt and some eternally wounded by those who claim to follow Christ because they
don't fit the mold,
aren't enough,
or any of one million invalid excuses that are given to
when it should be so simple just love...
it just keeps
In those moments when my breath is stolen from me
I hear the whisper of The One
The One who created it all
Who's heart breaks with mine
Who sees more
hears more
feels more
and He says
Keep breathing.
Because I Am
The Alpha
The Omega
I Am
The Way
The Truth
I Am the Ressurrection
I am Hope
Keep Breathing...